It's always the small things that cheer me up or bring me down. And here are some of my little cheerer-uppers.
- Polite kids.
- A smile from a stranger.
- Waking up to the sound of rain.
- Rain.
- A good hair day.
- I came across a random post on facebook with 72 likes and 72 comments, it cheered me up and i dunno why.
- The first usage of a towel after it's been washed.
- The look on somebody's face when s/he realizes that i understand.
- Twin girls.
- Grace.
- Random beautiful women on the street.
- You.
- Artistic lighting.
- The part in a book when i know the reason behind the title.
- When um drawing and the drawing starts to take shape and make sense.
- When the drawing is finished yet doesn't make any sense.
- Flirting.
- An original conversation .(my fav.).
- The right song at the right moment.
- hugs.
- mugs.
That's All.
- Polite kids.
- A smile from a stranger.
- Waking up to the sound of rain.
- Rain.
- A good hair day.
- I came across a random post on facebook with 72 likes and 72 comments, it cheered me up and i dunno why.
- The first usage of a towel after it's been washed.
- The look on somebody's face when s/he realizes that i understand.
- Twin girls.
- Grace.
- Random beautiful women on the street.
- You.
- Artistic lighting.
- The part in a book when i know the reason behind the title.
- When um drawing and the drawing starts to take shape and make sense.
- When the drawing is finished yet doesn't make any sense.
- Flirting.
- An original conversation .(my fav.).
- The right song at the right moment.
- hugs.
- mugs.
That's All.