I was on the bus to Siwa..
A candy man comes along few moments before the bus leaves starts to leave candy on every passenger's lap hoping that some would get tempted & buy some when he goes back to collect them.
Now he's done with his collecting round, didn't sell any but he is used to it somehow and as he is about to step off the bus he felt like saying "7ad lesa m3ah 7aga ya 7adarat?"-He always does anyway-he already knows the answer, it's always a No. Hell, no-one even cares to answer back.
So, he is about to step off when a hand suddenly was raised I traced the hand to a young mother with her kid daughter.
The candy man caught the raised hand with the corner of his eyes and stopped for a second, he went to her, he probably thought she was going to buy some, too. She didn't. She handed the candy back to the candy man, with a look, a look the candy man couldn't possibly understand so he just took the candy and left, he'd probably do the same if he understood the look, too.
I did, though.. She was embarrassed, she had that sheepish, guilty look on her face and, I could just tell she considered stealing the candy for her kid then decided against it eventually.
One would think.. hope that the candy man would notice and leave the candy, but it'd be too much to expect him to notice in the first place, so he took the candy and left with that "Don't care.. moving on." look that life has it's crocked way of pasting it on the faces of those kind of people.
One would think that someone would notice and do something about it, but, people never notice anything, anyway..
And, if someone-like me-noticed, he'd probably be too embarrassed to do anything in such situations.
The candy man leaves, leaving the woman to her dark thoughts,
And, leaving me to my even darker thoughts.
The only true things about this story is that I was on a bus to Siwa and there was a candy man..
And, my dark thoughts.
A candy man comes along few moments before the bus leaves starts to leave candy on every passenger's lap hoping that some would get tempted & buy some when he goes back to collect them.
Now he's done with his collecting round, didn't sell any but he is used to it somehow and as he is about to step off the bus he felt like saying "7ad lesa m3ah 7aga ya 7adarat?"-He always does anyway-he already knows the answer, it's always a No. Hell, no-one even cares to answer back.
So, he is about to step off when a hand suddenly was raised I traced the hand to a young mother with her kid daughter.
The candy man caught the raised hand with the corner of his eyes and stopped for a second, he went to her, he probably thought she was going to buy some, too. She didn't. She handed the candy back to the candy man, with a look, a look the candy man couldn't possibly understand so he just took the candy and left, he'd probably do the same if he understood the look, too.
I did, though.. She was embarrassed, she had that sheepish, guilty look on her face and, I could just tell she considered stealing the candy for her kid then decided against it eventually.
One would think.. hope that the candy man would notice and leave the candy, but it'd be too much to expect him to notice in the first place, so he took the candy and left with that "Don't care.. moving on." look that life has it's crocked way of pasting it on the faces of those kind of people.
One would think that someone would notice and do something about it, but, people never notice anything, anyway..
And, if someone-like me-noticed, he'd probably be too embarrassed to do anything in such situations.
The candy man leaves, leaving the woman to her dark thoughts,
And, leaving me to my even darker thoughts.
The only true things about this story is that I was on a bus to Siwa and there was a candy man..
And, my dark thoughts.