Thursday, October 13, 2011

At night.

when we were kids we were absolutely clueless about the other half of the day , the half when all the things we wonder about and dream about truely exist , the half we knew exists but weren't allowed to witness cuz we were just too young & immature to comprehend all the awesomness of it as if we were allowed to we would be overwhelmed and die instantly , um talking about the mysterious magical "NIGHT".

When i did wake up in the middle of the night i remeber getting overwhelmed and excited beyound expressions i used to be like " Wow , i am there now ....the forbidden kingdom ! um where the gigantic adults show their true beings and discuss cosmic issues , where they go through every detail of what i had done all-day which i was naive enough to think that they didn't notice , but apparently they did other wise why would they be awake now and talking ! , when also everything gets a break from being still and stop pretending to be lifeless , yes , chairs , tables , bags shoes you name it flicker back to life , say and do whatever they've been really wanting to all-day long but couldn't .doing what they crave doing instead of the lame-ass purposes they were supposedly made for"
And i remeber being cautious , very cautious not to witness too much , cuz i believed that there was a reason why we shouldn't , so i close my eyes and go back to sleep feeling both happy & proud that i get a glimpse of it and childishly relieved that i made it back in one piece and wasn't torn up by the night's awesomness.

I miss that !, i miss being clueless ! , about things that make life exciting things that give us reasons to anticipate and look forward.

Now, that the mystery about the night has gone , um going to find other overwhelming things to look forward to , i am going to search for reasons to be grateful and understanding , things that would make me embrace life and find inner-peace.
Cuz if The mystical night has shown it's true colours , there are plenty of colours left still to see.

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